News 12 Connecticut: Firework Fright: Easton man creates app to help ease anxiety in pets during stressful situations

The Fourth of July can be a difficult time for our furry friends, so an Easton resident developed an app to help put dogs and cats at ease.

Derrick Garrett found a way to alleviate the anxiety his dog Miles feels during fireworks displays with the app Zoundz Music for Pets.

"Specific parameters such as chord progressions, tempo, the keys the song is written in. These parameters brought together actually have a calming effect," Garrett said.

Zoundz has a specific category 'scary sounds' that helps shield your furry friend from firework fright.

"We're bringing together sound masking, white noise, as well as the therapeutic sounds of Zoundz and we bring the two together so it's calming at the same time as masking the exterior sound," he said.

Zoundz uses science to curate sounds to relax dogs and cats for any situation.

Garrett says the best thing is to prepare ahead, so by nightfall fireworks, bring your cat or dog inside and start playing Zoundz a couple hours before the fireworks begin.

"You're actually starting to condition them before the fireworks begin because once they've reached that anxiety peak, it's really hard to lower it," he said.


When Pets FLy Podcast: Interview of Zoundz CEO Derrick Garrett


News Channel 8 Connecticut: Phone app helps anxious pets during Fourth of July fireworks